There are waves all around us. There’s electromagnetic waves, mechanical waves, and various other types of waves. They transfer information/energy all over the planet. You don’t necessarily see them, but they’re there. There’s light waves, sound waves, radio waves, microwaves, etc. They transfer information from one piece of matter to the next. As the “Circle of Life” goes through its motion, information is transferred in every possible direction. This information (or energy) transfer is fueled at its core by the “Creation and Destruction Principle”. This information (or energy) is the basis for competition. It’s the basis of Evolution. We get a lot of this energy/information from the light waves coming to Earth from the Sun.
Have you ever heard of the “Buttlefly Effect”? This states that the smallest movement of a butterfly can be felt across the world. This is often spoken about in regards to Chaos Theory. What this really means is that the smallest movement made by any piece of matter will transfer positive or negative energy to another piece of matter. This has a cascading affect as it then transfers from every other piece of matter. Even air is matter. When you move, you’re transferring kinetic energy into the air. The wind that you make is your energy being transferred against the air.
Have you ever been in a pool and got splashed? The person who splashed you either transfered their stored energy by jumping in, or they used their kinetic energy to move their arm to splash the water, which then transferred it to you. Energy is transferred and absorbed by everything it comes into contact with.
When you transfer your energy, you are sending information. You are either sending positive or negative energy (positive or negative information). The interesting thing about positive or negative energy is that positive or negative is interpreted differently by each piece of matter that receives that energy.
Your definition of positive is based on your perception. Someone else may interpret positive or negative differently than you. If you emit positive energy and someone receives it as positive, you are left with positive energy. You both record a positive thought in your mind. If you emit negativity, you’ll probably get negativity back and that negative memory is stored in both of your minds.
You can see this in math.
* 2+2=4 (Two positives equal a positive. This is creation).
* 2 + (-2) = 0 (If equal, a positive and a negative creates balance, or no growth, or no loss).
* (-2) + (-2) = –4 (Two negatives equal a negative. This is destruction).
When you speak, you’re sending sound waves. When you listen, you’re receiving sound waves. This form of communication was one of the key factors for our evolutionary growth. When you see, you’re seeing light waves. All of these waves are carrying information to you. This information get’s processed, and stored as a memory in your subconscious. This information is stored in your brain matter.
You have a spiral wave that runs through you. It’s generated by your heart. Your heart creates an oscillating positive and negative charge that represents your heartbeat. This heartbeat is an electromagnetic wave. This creates a large electromagnetic field around you. Whether or not you realize it, you’re emitting a positive or negative wave at all times. The Science of the Heart can be read about more at
Have you ever seen what happens when two waves collide? They create a larger wave. That larger wave can be positively charged or it can be negatively charged. This is why we’re compelled to compete for a competitive mate or partner. You want to end up with two positive waves. We don’t like fighting because we end up with a larger negatively charged wave. Do you notice the way a surfer is riding with the wave? They’re going in the same direction. Do you notice that when people fight they’re fighting in opposite directions? These are two forms of matter that emit electromagnetic waves, either positively (same direction) or negatively (opposing).
We’re driven by the “Creation and Destruction Principle” to compete and produce the best information. That’s why we want our mate successful, good looking, smart, in shape, etc, etc. All of these positive traits may be valued by each person differently, but they all provide value in the competition of life. That “drive” you see in someone is their survival instinct. This is their will to live. It’s the creative side of the Creation and Destruction Principle. This comes from the electromagnetic energy generated by your heart.
Biologically, we get married, find a partner, have families, look for strong companies to work for, etc. We’re looking for positive waves (based on our perception) to help us compete in the “Circle of Life”. There have even been studies that show that two people in happy conversation would synchronize their heartbeat and brainwaves. These people even synchronize not only their own heartbeat and brainwaves, but also each other’s. This allows us to be “in-tune” and happy (2 positives equal a positive).
Understanding the “Creation and Destruction Principle” allows you to understand how to be in-tune with everything around you. The world is fluid, not static. If you start looking at the world as matter with varying levels of consciousness, that emit positive or negative energy, while fighting the competition called the “Circle of Life”, you’ll see what I see. If you see all matter (rocks, trees, animals, people) as refractions of a larger consciousness, then you’ll see the world as I do.
If you’ve ever wondered why you naturally like music and dancing, this is why. You’re trying to become in tune with the “Creation and Destruction” force. That’s why the hairs on your arm or neck raise when you sense something positive. This is why you’ve heard someone practicing Yoga say “OMMMM”.
This principle is the foundation of martial arts too. You see this in Aikido and other martial arts that use an opponent’s energy against them. This is why we like watching competition. We seek this balance in others. We find beauty, are impressed with, and prefer to see that balance emitted from that life form physically, mentally, vocally, etc.
Do you notice we don’t like cheaters, quitters, and unsportsmanlike conduct. We don’t prefer the destructive side. But what we don’t realize is, the destructive side is necessary. It’s not always bad. In fact “over creation” is bad. You can’t have a winner without a loser. You can’t have a loser without a winner.
You’re seeking balance, but do you notice you would rather be happy? You would rather laugh than cry. Biologically, you are programmed to seek the positive side of the “Creation And Destruction Principle”. You are seeking the positive side of that wave. This leads to you organizing more and more information, by transferring energy to other matter, which leads to competition, which leads to the “Circle of Life”, which leads to Evolution. This force has been around as long as the Universe has.
In my next post I’ll discuss why partnering is important if you wish to compete in the “Circle of Life”. I’ll show you how other life forms accomplish partnering as well.
- Trevor Kagin
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