Thursday, October 6, 2011


There are waves all around us. There’s elec­tro­mag­netic waves, mechan­i­cal waves, and var­i­ous other types of waves. They trans­fer information/energy all over the planet. You don’t nec­es­sar­ily see them, but they’re there. There’s light waves, sound waves, radio waves, microwaves, etc. They trans­fer infor­ma­tion from one piece of mat­ter to the next. As the “Cir­cle of Life” goes through its motion, infor­ma­tion is trans­ferred in every pos­si­ble direc­tion. This infor­ma­tion (or energy) trans­fer is fueled at its core by the “Cre­ation and Destruc­tion Prin­ci­ple”. This infor­ma­tion (or energy) is the basis for com­pe­ti­tion.  It’s the basis of Evo­lu­tion. We get a lot of this energy/information from the light waves com­ing to Earth from the Sun.

Have you ever heard of the “But­tle­fly Effect”? This states that the small­est move­ment of a but­ter­fly can be felt across the world. This is often spo­ken about in regards to Chaos The­ory. What this really means is that the small­est move­ment made by any piece of mat­ter will trans­fer pos­i­tive or neg­a­tive energy to another piece of mat­ter. This has a cas­cad­ing affect as it then trans­fers from every other piece of mat­ter. Even air is mat­ter. When you move, you’re trans­fer­ring kinetic energy into the air. The wind that you make is your energy being trans­ferred against the air.

Have you ever been in a pool and got splashed? The per­son who splashed you either trans­fered their stored energy by jump­ing in,  or they used their kinetic energy to move their arm to splash the water, which then trans­ferred it to you.  Energy is trans­ferred and absorbed by every­thing it comes into con­tact with.

When you trans­fer your energy, you are send­ing infor­ma­tion. You are either send­ing pos­i­tive or neg­a­tive energy (pos­i­tive or neg­a­tive infor­ma­tion). The inter­est­ing thing about pos­i­tive or neg­a­tive energy is that pos­i­tive or neg­a­tive is inter­preted dif­fer­ently by each piece of mat­ter that receives that energy.

Your def­i­n­i­tion of pos­i­tive is based on your per­cep­tion. Some­one else may inter­pret pos­i­tive or neg­a­tive dif­fer­ently than you. If you emit pos­i­tive energy and some­one receives it as pos­i­tive, you are left with pos­i­tive energy.  You both record a pos­i­tive thought in your mind. If you emit neg­a­tiv­ity, you’ll prob­a­bly get neg­a­tiv­ity back and that neg­a­tive mem­ory is stored in both of your minds.

You can see this in math.

    * 2+2=4 (Two pos­i­tives equal a pos­i­tive. This is creation).
    * 2 + (-2) = 0 (If  equal, a pos­i­tive and a neg­a­tive cre­ates bal­ance, or no growth, or no loss).
    * (-2) + (-2) = –4 (Two neg­a­tives equal a neg­a­tive. This is destruction).

When you speak, you’re send­ing sound waves. When you lis­ten, you’re receiv­ing sound waves. This form of com­mu­ni­ca­tion was one of the key fac­tors for our evo­lu­tion­ary growth. When you see, you’re see­ing light waves. All of these waves are car­ry­ing infor­ma­tion to you. This infor­ma­tion get’s processed, and stored as a mem­ory in your sub­con­scious.  This infor­ma­tion is stored in your brain matter.

You have a spi­ral wave that runs through you.  It’s gen­er­ated by your heart.  Your heart cre­ates an oscil­lat­ing pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive charge that rep­re­sents your heart­beat.  This heart­beat is an elec­tro­mag­netic wave.  This cre­ates a large elec­tro­mag­netic field around you. Whether or not you real­ize it, you’re emit­ting a pos­i­tive or neg­a­tive wave at all times. The Sci­ence of the Heart can be read about more at

Have you ever seen what hap­pens when two waves col­lide? They cre­ate a larger wave.  That larger wave can be pos­i­tively charged or it can be neg­a­tively charged. This is why we’re com­pelled to com­pete for a com­pet­i­tive mate or part­ner.  You want to end up with two pos­i­tive waves. We don’t like fight­ing because we end up with a larger neg­a­tively charged wave. Do you notice the way a surfer is rid­ing with the wave? They’re going in the same direc­tion. Do you notice that when peo­ple fight they’re fight­ing in oppo­site direc­tions? These are two forms of mat­ter that emit elec­tro­mag­netic waves, either pos­i­tively (same direc­tion) or neg­a­tively (opposing).

We’re dri­ven by the “Cre­ation and Destruc­tion Prin­ci­ple” to com­pete and pro­duce the best infor­ma­tion.  That’s why we want our mate suc­cess­ful, good look­ing, smart, in shape, etc, etc.  All of these pos­i­tive traits may be val­ued by each per­son dif­fer­ently, but they all pro­vide value in the com­pe­ti­tion of life. That “drive” you see in some­one is their sur­vival instinct.  This is their will to live. It’s the cre­ative side of the Cre­ation and Destruc­tion Prin­ci­ple.  This comes from the elec­tro­mag­netic energy gen­er­ated by your heart.

Bio­log­i­cally, we get mar­ried, find a part­ner, have fam­i­lies, look for strong com­pa­nies to work for, etc.  We’re look­ing for pos­i­tive waves (based on our per­cep­tion) to help us com­pete in the “Cir­cle of Life”.  There have even been stud­ies that show that two peo­ple in happy con­ver­sa­tion would syn­chro­nize their heart­beat and brain­waves.  These peo­ple even syn­chro­nize not only their own heart­beat and brain­waves, but also each other’s. This allows us to be “in-tune” and happy (2 pos­i­tives equal a positive).

Under­stand­ing the “Cre­ation and Destruc­tion Prin­ci­ple” allows you to under­stand how to be in-tune with every­thing around you.  The world is fluid, not sta­tic. If you start look­ing at the world as mat­ter with vary­ing lev­els of con­scious­ness, that emit pos­i­tive or neg­a­tive energy, while fight­ing the com­pe­ti­tion called the “Cir­cle of Life”,  you’ll see what I see. If you see all mat­ter (rocks, trees, ani­mals, peo­ple) as refrac­tions of a larger con­scious­ness, then you’ll see the world as I do.

If you’ve ever won­dered why you nat­u­rally like music and danc­ing, this is why.  You’re try­ing to become in tune with the “Cre­ation and Destruc­tion” force.  That’s why the hairs on your arm or neck raise when you sense some­thing pos­i­tive.  This is why you’ve heard some­one prac­tic­ing Yoga say “OMMMM”.

This prin­ci­ple is the foun­da­tion of mar­tial arts too. You see this in Aikido and other mar­tial arts that use an opponent’s energy against them. This is why we like watch­ing com­pe­ti­tion. We seek this bal­ance in oth­ers. We find beauty, are impressed with, and pre­fer to see that bal­ance emit­ted from that life form phys­i­cally, men­tally, vocally, etc.

Do you notice we don’t like cheaters, quit­ters, and unsports­man­like con­duct. We don’t pre­fer the destruc­tive side. But what we don’t real­ize is, the destruc­tive side is nec­es­sary.  It’s not always bad. In fact “over cre­ation” is bad. You can’t have a win­ner with­out a loser. You can’t have a loser with­out a winner.

You’re seek­ing bal­ance, but do you notice you would rather be happy? You would rather laugh than cry. Bio­log­i­cally, you are pro­grammed to seek the pos­i­tive side of the “Cre­ation And Destruc­tion Prin­ci­ple”. You are seek­ing the pos­i­tive side of that wave. This leads to you orga­niz­ing more and more infor­ma­tion, by trans­fer­ring energy to other mat­ter, which leads to com­pe­ti­tion, which leads to the “Cir­cle of Life”, which leads to Evo­lu­tion.  This force has been around as long as the Uni­verse has.

In my next post I’ll dis­cuss why part­ner­ing is impor­tant if you wish to com­pete in the “Cir­cle of Life”. I’ll show you how other life forms accom­plish part­ner­ing as well.

- Trevor Kagin


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