Wednesday, September 21, 2011

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - You cannot believe in god until you believe in yourself

“The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen” – Frank Lloyd Wright

If you want others to believe in you, then you must first believe in it yourself. If you want others in the world to believe in you, then you must first believe in yourself.

Success is built on confidence. If you believe in yourself then you have confidence in yourself and your abilities. The building blocks of self-confidence are:


Knowledge is power. No-one knows you as well as you do and no-one knows you as well as you do. A lack of self esteem generally stems from a fear of some description, the most common being a fear of failure. A fear of failure can often be described more accurately as a fear of the unknown. This fear can be eliminated with knowledge, allowing self-confidence to grow.


Identifying your own unique skills can be extremely empowering. Knowing what you’re good at and where your strengths lie can give you the confidence to tackle any of life’s little challenges head on.


As you gain experience, you gain knowledge and with that knowledge comes power. ‘Learn from your mistakes’ is a common saying but it’s just as important to learn from your successes. You can analyse a negative experience to ensure it doesn’t happen again but if you take the time to analyse a positive experience, you can ensure it does happen again. The experience of achieving success through setting carefully planned goals helps to ensure further success through gaining greater self-confidence.


Your attitude is essential to your success. A positive attitude and a belief that everything, including yourself, can change is the best way to remain optimistic through challenging times.


The foundation stones needed to build your self-confidence are knowledge, skill, experience, attitude, and a belief in yourself. A belief in yourself provides the corner-stone from which to build your dreams into realities.

Confidence building tips
  • Remember what you’re good at
  • Remember that failure is not permanent – neither is success – everything can be changed
  • Be yourself: you are the only you, and you are the best you
  • Compliment others – what goes around, comes around
  • Dress sharp: ‘clothes don’t make the man’ but how you dress can affect how you feel


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